Can’t believe almost all the leader in here are either bastards or assholes. They don’t even care a bit for their people. How does his father even managed to rule the duchy on his time? And now he even let his disgusting mistress grew rampant all over the place by using his authority. If this world is real, all the people are so pitiful.
You can tell how garbage his father is based on his choice in women, but he could have at least taken that witch with him. Bet she’ll try to ruin the dress or something
I dont like bitches
Can’t believe almost all the leader in here are either bastards or assholes. They don’t even care a bit for their people. How does his father even managed to rule the duchy on his time? And now he even let his disgusting mistress grew rampant all over the place by using his authority. If this world is real, all the people are so pitiful.
All she has to do is say “He loved you so much. It’s a pity to separate him from his mistress” and kick her out. Simple. Bye bye witch.
Oo my duke
You can tell how garbage his father is based on his choice in women, but he could have at least taken that witch with him. Bet she’ll try to ruin the dress or something