contextually, when Sir Bertrand talks about someone reading the letter it makes the most sense for it to be about the Great Duchess mother in law. she must have received a letter that the flirting game that she set up to trap the duke did not work 🙂 great job on the translations though!
They keep giving us an image of them as a family but they have a daughter? If I’m not mistaken when she died before she’s still pregnant and they didn’t mention the gender so I suppose that in the future? They will have a child and it’s a girl? I’m excited who would the child look likes ?
[email protected]
Who do you think it’s going to be a boy or a girl? Maybe twins,
“the only flaw fictional men have is that they are fictional” TL IS SO REAL FOR THAT
contextually, when Sir Bertrand talks about someone reading the letter it makes the most sense for it to be about the Great Duchess mother in law. she must have received a letter that the flirting game that she set up to trap the duke did not work 🙂 great job on the translations though!
They keep giving us an image of them as a family but they have a daughter? If I’m not mistaken when she died before she’s still pregnant and they didn’t mention the gender so I suppose that in the future? They will have a child and it’s a girl? I’m excited who would the child look likes ?
Eventhough the notes of the translator are small I keep reading it not only coz its hiLarious but also i had the same though.. ????
i love the translator notes so much they are so fun
LOL those TL notes are killing me ????
? thanks for the update
And the translation notes ?