Boo the queen is soooooooo pathetic ? girl this is not a good look especially for a QUEEN. HE DOES NOT WANT YOU! Everything is pointless and only serves to ruin relations with his house and the other nobles. Get out your feelings…ugh she’s so cringe.
All these are happening because of you stupid !!! If you’re feeling insecure about share the truth with duke then share is with your brother at least.
Nah gitu dong dari kemaren, lama bgt Mpok mikirnya bikin reader naik darah aja, hampir saya berpaling ke Queen hahaha?
Why would you keep hounding on someone who doesn’t want you. As a queen it makes you look pathetic…?♀️
Gurl…. You’re so pathetic… Just die already
Boo the queen is soooooooo pathetic ? girl this is not a good look especially for a QUEEN. HE DOES NOT WANT YOU! Everything is pointless and only serves to ruin relations with his house and the other nobles. Get out your feelings…ugh she’s so cringe.