what this nigga @AArtsy on about?
leaving 2 years worth of paras on each chapter. like u have to be either 8 yrs old and clueless or 68 years old, oversmart and a know-it-all to have so much time on your hands.
… You’ve been having a lot of fun in these comments, huh?
I think it’s kinda insulting to call Lamia “clueless” when she’s clearly very knowledgeable and capable. Plus, you yourself seem to jump to a lot of conclusions. Yes, coincidences like this don’t happen in reality – but in fiction?
WOW! What blasphemous accusations has Ethan the 1st prince said to this clueless Lamia about Aquilla now?!
She has total faith in that nasty Ethan.
Even her brother who is traumatized cause of Aquilla believes he wouldn’t do such a thing, yet she firmly believes its the 2nd prince. Its all Ethan’s scheme I see, He knows how to manipulate Lamia’s mind.
You have demonized someone you have jus seen once in your whole life, just cause your precious Ethan said so?!
Seriously, the brainwashing has been flawless.
And look at how meticulously “sloppy” he has planned out the duke’s “accident”!! No one would believe it was planned out just because it was super sloppy!!!
The mastermind is the devil himself, be it Ethan or his uncle the king regent. It is most likely Ethan though. Even the king regent is nothing but a puppet of his.
what this nigga @AArtsy on about?
leaving 2 years worth of paras on each chapter. like u have to be either 8 yrs old and clueless or 68 years old, oversmart and a know-it-all to have so much time on your hands.
… You’ve been having a lot of fun in these comments, huh?
I think it’s kinda insulting to call Lamia “clueless” when she’s clearly very knowledgeable and capable. Plus, you yourself seem to jump to a lot of conclusions. Yes, coincidences like this don’t happen in reality – but in fiction?
WOW! What blasphemous accusations has Ethan the 1st prince said to this clueless Lamia about Aquilla now?!
She has total faith in that nasty Ethan.
Even her brother who is traumatized cause of Aquilla believes he wouldn’t do such a thing, yet she firmly believes its the 2nd prince. Its all Ethan’s scheme I see, He knows how to manipulate Lamia’s mind.
You have demonized someone you have jus seen once in your whole life, just cause your precious Ethan said so?!
Seriously, the brainwashing has been flawless.
And look at how meticulously “sloppy” he has planned out the duke’s “accident”!! No one would believe it was planned out just because it was super sloppy!!!
The mastermind is the devil himself, be it Ethan or his uncle the king regent. It is most likely Ethan though. Even the king regent is nothing but a puppet of his.