Ilovemanaga Ok not gonna lie that’s kinda weird my baby either is 3 but he can barely speak a few words and it has nothing to do with being a genius or anything but it’s just his tongue is not fully grown so how can she talk? October 3, 2023 at 11:01 pm Log in to Reply
Goofiee That scary since they dont know how she act like that maybe they just call him genius instead poor them April 20, 2023 at 1:13 am Log in to Reply
drayal @Moonlight.7 i think so too even a three year isn’t that capable February 5, 2023 at 7:56 am Log in to Reply
Moonlight.7 Um… is this just me or wouldn’t it be super weird if a baby talks like that? I mean till some point its fine but… isn’t this a bit much? February 13, 2022 at 5:37 am Log in to Reply
Ok not gonna lie that’s kinda weird my baby either is 3 but he can barely speak a few words and it has nothing to do with being a genius or anything but it’s just his tongue is not fully grown so how can she talk?
That scary since they dont know how she act like that maybe they just call him genius instead poor them
@Moonlight.7 i think so too even a three year isn’t that capable
It’s not just you
Um… is this just me or wouldn’t it be super weird if a baby talks like that? I mean till some point its fine but… isn’t this a bit much?