@AArtsy You have… a very active imagination. Personally, I don’t think there’s any soul swap shenanigans involved in this one. Usually, they switch the souls before we see even a hint of the previous owner of the body so readers don’t get confused or attached. I think this is more of a drama/romance between two broken people, navigating a complicated political landscape.
Oh shoot!! The situation is worse than I thought!!
Flags point to an all-around massacre!!
That’d be terrible…
The CP is obviously lying through his teeth like it pours!!!
Of course you can’t stand the sight of them and can’t wait to get rid of them all!!
Who’re you fooling?!
Those people are the most pitiful
The imperial family wants to get rid of the Riddel order altogether.
However its not just because they don’t wants any other source of power to exist in the land they’re ruling.
I have this feeling that they themselves has formed an order to deeply influence people, like a cult maybe?
That commander looked as if he was brainwashed while singing praises of the CP!
That CP is a shrewd, two-face diplomat killing people off with a smile on his face.
I’m sure the whole city will be purged the moment the order of the relief knights are far away enough for the news to not reach them in time.
Flags are already raised.
The high priestess is sure to die.
Now she even confessed that the reason why she did not ascend was because of knight breaking some rules. Maybe due to him rescuing her while embracing her or something since he wasn’t allowed to even see her face afterwards for 11 years due to some related issues!!
I think they deeply care for each other.
What will happen when the high priestess dies?
I would really wonder if the knight doesn’t start a rebellion then!!
It also seems like the princess isn’t on good terms with her brother the CP.
Will the high priestess’s soul possess her? Will the knight come to know about it?
Will they plan for a rebellion together?!
All and all, if the priestess’s soul is not going to possess the priestess I don’t think I will be motivated enough to continue reading this.
@AArtsy You have… a very active imagination. Personally, I don’t think there’s any soul swap shenanigans involved in this one. Usually, they switch the souls before we see even a hint of the previous owner of the body so readers don’t get confused or attached. I think this is more of a drama/romance between two broken people, navigating a complicated political landscape.
Oh shoot!! The situation is worse than I thought!!
Flags point to an all-around massacre!!
That’d be terrible…
The CP is obviously lying through his teeth like it pours!!!
Of course you can’t stand the sight of them and can’t wait to get rid of them all!!
Who’re you fooling?!
Those people are the most pitiful
The imperial family wants to get rid of the Riddel order altogether.
However its not just because they don’t wants any other source of power to exist in the land they’re ruling.
I have this feeling that they themselves has formed an order to deeply influence people, like a cult maybe?
That commander looked as if he was brainwashed while singing praises of the CP!
That CP is a shrewd, two-face diplomat killing people off with a smile on his face.
I’m sure the whole city will be purged the moment the order of the relief knights are far away enough for the news to not reach them in time.
Flags are already raised.
The high priestess is sure to die.
Now she even confessed that the reason why she did not ascend was because of knight breaking some rules. Maybe due to him rescuing her while embracing her or something since he wasn’t allowed to even see her face afterwards for 11 years due to some related issues!!
I think they deeply care for each other.
What will happen when the high priestess dies?
I would really wonder if the knight doesn’t start a rebellion then!!
It also seems like the princess isn’t on good terms with her brother the CP.
Will the high priestess’s soul possess her? Will the knight come to know about it?
Will they plan for a rebellion together?!
All and all, if the priestess’s soul is not going to possess the priestess I don’t think I will be motivated enough to continue reading this.