Kill the Villainess - Chapter 82
You don't have anything in histories
Agnyeo leul jug-yeojwo, Best Manhwa, Drama, Historical, Hot, Hot manhwa, Josei, Kill the Villainess, Listing Hot Comic, Manhwa, Psychological, Psychological recommendation, Psychological recommendations, Psychological recommended, recommendation Psychological, recommendations Psychological, recommended Psychological, Romance, Top 10 Manhwa, Top Trending, Убить злодейку, 사월생, 악녀를 죽여 줘
thats a series right there
Jesus christ that’s a whole essay
Ummm Bro….i think you wrote a whole book there …
So i have been thinking about this for a while and now it’s finally time for me to say it:
At the begginign i was wery suspicios of her, was she acctually a hidden bitch or not cause sometimes i would be annoyed about her being so pasive when bad things happened to MC, until i read her POV ch 24 and 25 i think, and i changed my mind about her, i realize she is just a poor girl trapped in a situation that she can’t escape and just has to go with the flow of what the men around her want, but when i read the comments i was shocked at how much the people hate her and hated her even more after this, so here are my reasons why helena is not a bad character:
1. There were a lot of comments that would say”She has a bigger position in her relathionship with the prince” or “If she dosen’t like it she should go away” and to that i say that people are incredibly stupid, what do you mean a bigger position at the end of the day he is still the prince and she is a maid of course she is gonna do what HE want’s, and for her running away, do you really think she could do it, first she was raised in the palace her whole life so i don’t think she knows too much about the outside world, and even if she escaped do you think the crown prince would allow that, he would probably dispach every knight he can to find her and i wouldn’t put it past him to take her mother hostage and force her to come back and if she came back he would probably lock her up somewhere so she wouldn’t leave ever again , oh and even if she leaves honestly it wouldn’t take long for someone to kidnap her cause she is a beautiful girl who is alone she is the perfect target so she has no other choise but to stay.
2. Helena is a very sad character cause even i feel kinda bad for the OG Eris she was not a good person esspecially towards Helena.
I was kind of annoyed that she wanted to be firends with Eris even when she did all those awful things to her but then i realized that no relationship in her life was normal.
When her family was ruined she lost her father her mothers mental health got bad, there were even times when her mom would try to cut her face with a knife saying” There is nothing worse for a girl to be beautifull and poor” and there i realized what she ment” cause she is beautiful men(probably rich and powerfull) would go after her but because she is poor she has no choise but go along with their wishes otherwise who knows what would happen to her and her mother)
We saw that Helena was happy doing her job, and that she would feel uncomfortable that she had to leave her job to others when the queen and CP would call for her that’s why she refused at first until she finishes her job, but she found out that everyone would get in trouble if she dosen’t come right away and she was feeling awful about that, so with no other choise left she had to leave everything to others and go have a tea party that she hates so that she could protect the others, but at the same time that made her isolated cause other maids hated her for her privleges and that lead to her never having any friends or trying to find love, cause god forbid someone else was taking her time from the crown prince i have a feeling any potential friend would be fired at the spot or even tortured if it’s a guy. These thing made Helena be passive, cause her opinion dosen’t matter to them, these guys just come up with it and assume that’s what she want’s, and honestly if some of the most powerful men in the country tell you to do something you have to do it regardless of your will, cause who knows what’s gonna happen if you reject them and their little ego is hurt.
3. Her wanting to be friends with Eris was annoying me cause MC would almost alway get in trouble when she was with her, and the OG Eris did horible things to her (her family is ruined cause of her father), she would constantly hit and verbaly abuse her, even going so far as to lock her up in a closet and leave her there for hours and that infected Helena so bad that she developed claustrofobia and she would have a hard time breathing in dark spaces, i mean no matter how badly the CP treated Eris that was no reason for her to give someone Trauma for life, it not her fault that she was treating the CP as a normal person but then he got way to ahead of himself and just used Helena to get an ego boost, and even after that she still wanted to be friends with her which was wierd for me, but i think it was cause she never had friends and she didn’t have a chance to make them and the CP would not allow that, she wanted to be friends with her cause she was the only person who would be with her and CP all the time and in her desire to not be alone anymore she endured everything even if she hated it she wanted to have a someone to call a friend, and also she hated Eris, but she chose to forgive her for everything, and you have to be a big person to forgive someone years of abuse, i know many of us would not be able to do it.
It feels wrong to put all the blame on Helena when honestly she was the biggest victim in this story so that’s why she is not a bad character.
I have to stop this it’s getting too long, thank you for reading my rant and i hope you have a nice day/night byee😆😆😆
Im not sure if she doesnt like him but i think she likes him but not love
But it’s not her that’s the problem. I doubt any of the male leads actually loved Helena to begin with, they just look towards her to save/feel good about themselves. If it wasn’t her, It’d be some other poor gullible girl unable to say no.
Shes too nice to say no, too docile to say yes. What a very confusing character. No wonder all the mls around her are so frustrated.
Rum Lawrence
Woah i didn’t thought that Helena was forced to like that douchebag
im here for the men
oh wow