Kill the Villainess - Chapter 46
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People hate Helena just because she is rival of fl and because she is innocent and naive.
And if you find her annoying then most of the manhwa fl have same personality as Helena and 2nd fl of other manhwa have this fl. But their you people call those 2nd fl bi”ch and whatsnotever. Here only just role were reversed. Isn’t it double standard?
Im_into romance
I ship the to ugly goofy ahh bitches to a ugly fucking life🥰🥰
That’s true
Don’t even ship the two of them it’s fucking annoying 🙄
Lol I can never accept Helena and Eris being friends is so dumb. Why build a relationship with someone you need to kill to survive 🙄 THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IS BULLSHIT IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL.
oh- that makes sense. The crown prince doesnt even asked if she loves him. Men with power dont like consent after all lmao.
Good yuri on top of greatly fleshed out intentions
Honestly Helena annoys me so much, she’s so passive and submissive, she doesn’t take any action against the prince or others who walk all over her, she gets everything with her naive and innocent t attitude and smile, she is just soo frustrating
I’m still angry at the queen for making her suffer for what her father did. And honestly Just stab Helena, it’s a book anyways and since she can’t change her fate they aren’t real and are characters in a set story, forget all of them except Anakin, he’s neat
Thats how those man are
They think that thier feelings are the only important one
?thank you for updating?
Im agree too
Sara jj
wow i think Fl X hellena is the best couple
You’re right