I forgot all the boys names, but silver understands Brienne best. The Prince has a deeper understanding of her painting, but when it comes to Brienne as a whole, her art, her thoughts, her desires, wishes, and pain, silver understands her more than all of them. Childhood friend is definitely like sexiest, but silver is the only that truly gets her.
@VillainessBarbie most prolly silver hair is the ML, and I think she like him the most as well, but yea sleeps with other two as well….
I forgot all the boys names, but silver understands Brienne best. The Prince has a deeper understanding of her painting, but when it comes to Brienne as a whole, her art, her thoughts, her desires, wishes, and pain, silver understands her more than all of them. Childhood friend is definitely like sexiest, but silver is the only that truly gets her.