This is so incosisent, “strong” dosnt meant phisicly strong, it means overal strong, superior. Why so many ML are super strong psychicly but mentaly weak. They are like Homelander from the boys. 1/1000 superman with fucked up psyche
@S-t-S, you’re so mean to call FL “dumb”.
You sound just like the gossiping servants in the last panel. Lol
Firstly, if you have friends to askanout your days, you’d know that it’s normal to mention your life a bit when people asked.
She didn’t even go into details and she DEFENDED her husband.
Secondly, even though this guy likes her, he is still a person that she TRUSTS.
He is a teacher who (pretending to be) kindly teaches her.
FL has nobody to talk with except Titi, so of course she trusts this cunning man who (pretends to) help her.
This is so incosisent, “strong” dosnt meant phisicly strong, it means overal strong, superior. Why so many ML are super strong psychicly but mentaly weak. They are like Homelander from the boys. 1/1000 superman with fucked up psyche
@SereUsagi ikrr!
ppl shouldn’t hate the characters so easily
@S-t-S, you’re so mean to call FL “dumb”.
You sound just like the gossiping servants in the last panel. Lol
Firstly, if you have friends to askanout your days, you’d know that it’s normal to mention your life a bit when people asked.
She didn’t even go into details and she DEFENDED her husband.
Secondly, even though this guy likes her, he is still a person that she TRUSTS.
He is a teacher who (pretending to be) kindly teaches her.
FL has nobody to talk with except Titi, so of course she trusts this cunning man who (pretends to) help her.
Little girl is gonna connect those dots. Also why she so dumb talking about her husband w a strange dude that clearly likes her