To be fair to her though, ml, now that he knows how she is, should definitely have expressed how dangerous his cousin was. He absolutely underplayed the danger, which is a huge no-no with someone you supposedly have feelings for. All an all everyone’s the a-hole. He absolutely could have gotten her schmeurdered.
I agree, you can’t brush off the fear she experienced, but she has zero common sense for the world she’s been living in her whole second life. I know, I know, miscomunication’s just a plot device by the author, but Judging by how she’s been acting so far, and since this situation wasn’t in the original novel, she’s probably right. The author would have made her mess something up if she had been involved in the plan. I dont mind bumbling and some incompetence, but she’s practically useless unless there was something written in the book beforehand that she can take advantage of. I hope the author plans to give her some character development at some point…
To be fair to her though, ml, now that he knows how she is, should definitely have expressed how dangerous his cousin was. He absolutely underplayed the danger, which is a huge no-no with someone you supposedly have feelings for. All an all everyone’s the a-hole. He absolutely could have gotten her schmeurdered.
I agree, you can’t brush off the fear she experienced, but she has zero common sense for the world she’s been living in her whole second life. I know, I know, miscomunication’s just a plot device by the author, but Judging by how she’s been acting so far, and since this situation wasn’t in the original novel, she’s probably right. The author would have made her mess something up if she had been involved in the plan. I dont mind bumbling and some incompetence, but she’s practically useless unless there was something written in the book beforehand that she can take advantage of. I hope the author plans to give her some character development at some point…
Well he still should’ve given her a heads up. You can’t just brush off the fear she experienced