You could always search raws and do it yourself if the speed isn’t up to your standards or we can all be grateful for receiving a free translated item no matter how long we wait
Nope, nope, please take your time I don’t want the translators to get butchered with the comic, please don’t say such words, you might not have meant any harm but it was still not nice
So I guess “Adults” are trying to hurt children bc they are in the wrong or they can’t handle a kid.💀
can yall translate faster pls
You could always search raws and do it yourself if the speed isn’t up to your standards or we can all be grateful for receiving a free translated item no matter how long we wait
Nope, nope, please take your time I don’t want the translators to get butchered with the comic, please don’t say such words, you might not have meant any harm but it was still not nice
Waiting is fine for quality work like this, read other stuff in the meantime
Ignoring Anastasia past, why tf did a priest use dark magic in A CHILD, how come they are the adults here