Have a feeling that the king is not fertile and that child is not his at all lol. I am fully expecting something like this and I am not really that sure the future chapters will surprise but let’s see what’ll happen
After all these manhwa I have few guesses:
Firstly Probably the king and queen are the villains
Second maybe king has some kind of reproduction problems and they know about it. So they think the Child might not be his.
Maybe there’s another member of royal family that they aware of but they kept quite about it.
Maybe they are not pregnant at all, I mean they kept it secret for long time and at least the maids of honour should find out about the pregnancy by morning sickness and other symptoms.
Have a feeling that the king is not fertile and that child is not his at all lol. I am fully expecting something like this and I am not really that sure the future chapters will surprise but let’s see what’ll happen
After all these manhwa I have few guesses:
Firstly Probably the king and queen are the villains
Second maybe king has some kind of reproduction problems and they know about it. So they think the Child might not be his.
Maybe there’s another member of royal family that they aware of but they kept quite about it.
Maybe they are not pregnant at all, I mean they kept it secret for long time and at least the maids of honour should find out about the pregnancy by morning sickness and other symptoms.
Why are they so concerned about this kid? Is the king unfurtal and he doesn’t know?…I need answers 😆
Bro they both look b*tchy. At least uncross their eyes 💀💀
eww so the queen looks so ugly and bitchy
the queen is gonna be a bitch, i feel it in my bones, in the air, EVEN THE BACTERIA IS SAYIN