@RaspberryJam I’m afraid your hopes are dashed. If you don’t want a story to have an mc who has a romantic relationship with an ml then perhaps avoid those that contain the Romance tag, no? I avoid anything tagged with Tragedy since I don’t particularly enjoy stories that end in misery.
Liaaa Runcandle
What kind of priest says that bullshit☠️
I’ve got a baaaaaad feeling ’bout you
boombox master
how did my comment get here bro
that shooketh me,like mother is a previous princess and was 1st in line fo the throne??
I smell other royal bitches but they can overcome it💪
@IceBearIsHungry i don’t like tragedy too🥲 but some stories are just so good that you can’t not read it😭
Thay are so much a like😆❤️
@RaspberryJam I’m afraid your hopes are dashed. If you don’t want a story to have an mc who has a romantic relationship with an ml then perhaps avoid those that contain the Romance tag, no? I avoid anything tagged with Tragedy since I don’t particularly enjoy stories that end in misery.
I hope there’s no ml. Having a ml feels so forced and necessary sometimes