Oh my goodness~ These people around her really Do need therapy👀 I totally could’ve left already if I were with any of them were even around me like fr. Heads up for her being able to tolerate them
Route is just infuriating. He’s so manipulative, always twisting things to suit his needs without caring about anyone else. His cold, calculating nature is chilling~~ It’s hard to believe he has any empathy at all. Watching him maneuver people like pawns is both fascinating and maddening, and it really makes you wonder if he even has a heart
Oh my goodness~ These people around her really Do need therapy👀 I totally could’ve left already if I were with any of them were even around me like fr. Heads up for her being able to tolerate them
Route is just infuriating. He’s so manipulative, always twisting things to suit his needs without caring about anyone else. His cold, calculating nature is chilling~~ It’s hard to believe he has any empathy at all. Watching him maneuver people like pawns is both fascinating and maddening, and it really makes you wonder if he even has a heart
Someone hug poor Route 😭
Awwww he is cute when he is shy