I kinda get it now why she abandoned him. A bit. Even if his progress is far ahead of his novel’s self, he is lacking the ability to fight back if it is somebody he trusts (and I assume devil can cast illusions). And that can make him fail and become devil
I kinda get it now why she abandoned him. A bit. Even if his progress is far ahead of his novel’s self, he is lacking the ability to fight back if it is somebody he trusts (and I assume devil can cast illusions). And that can make him fail and become devil
lady, a chapter ago you hated him with all your heart
make up your mind do you hate him or not
…I feel icky about the last scene
Hell, she just turned like that?
I still don’t like the ML…
last chapter you hate him and now you make a 80 degree turn and care about him ????????????? get your shit together and seek therapy
what the fuck is wrong with you