Why is she getting nauseous over a priest dying when she literally manipulated all the people around Axel to their DEATH!!??? HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THAT SHE LET THEM ALL DIE JUST FOR AXEL. im starting ti hate her stupid ass. I think being a saintess got stuck up her ass now she wants to act like one
Hi suckers
She freed them she didn’t kill them @lifeaintgood
Why is she getting nauseous over a priest dying when she literally manipulated all the people around Axel to their DEATH!!??? HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THAT SHE LET THEM ALL DIE JUST FOR AXEL. im starting ti hate her stupid ass. I think being a saintess got stuck up her ass now she wants to act like one
fl had every right to be mad at ml tho
So apparently the best thing to do after someone saved your life is being mad at them 🙄 been wondering why most isekai FLs are stupid?
Glad he dropped him 😒 that priest was stupid and selfish. I bet he’s why the one priest she wanted didn’t show up. I would’ve killed him too.
Never seen any character that’s as stoopid as that freaking priest 🤣