How could such knowledgeable and wise bunch of people not suspect such clumsy act of fraud and let tbeir guard down like that!?
They didn’t even question how the Duke’s newlyweded bride left his mansion without him chasing after!? Just look at how he tried to go after Aria time and time again! If not as much as Aria, but wouldn’t it be sensible to at least put half the effort to get his young new bride back!?
Thats too illogical really!
I knew she was suspicious!!!
😣 Yep, new it.
Pide piper? Creepy.
I knew it
Dark star
I really laugh my a**out , I knew it if impression is a fake impression in case of bastrads
Dark star
Ignore if
You see,I saw it coming ?
Fuckkkk just give her a peaceful life-
I FCKIn knew it.
i freaking knew this bitch was gonna pull something!
She seemed sus ,,hah !! I can’t believe ,,can’t they let her live after she’s already out of their grasp
How could such knowledgeable and wise bunch of people not suspect such clumsy act of fraud and let tbeir guard down like that!?
They didn’t even question how the Duke’s newlyweded bride left his mansion without him chasing after!? Just look at how he tried to go after Aria time and time again! If not as much as Aria, but wouldn’t it be sensible to at least put half the effort to get his young new bride back!?
Thats too illogical really!
Xia suer
I knew it that fucker is sus
Crocodile tears fck off woman
I fucking new it, she seemed so suspisious