It’s Been A While Since the Original Novel was Completed - chapter 34
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Feed ducks peas and rolled oats instead!
Tip: Bread is not a good food for ducks and other birds
Amelia Marie
Elena hope you take the plunge loves like that you might end wrong but it teaches you things along the way (unles Ur in an abusive relationship then they can fuck right off!)
Lovely and so cute
the audacity of that bish Queen, even if she justifies stealing an engaged man away b/c they weren’t in love look at where Elena is in life right now. She’s not barely living her life as a commoner and giving out love advise because she wants to. She took everything from Elena and caused her to be thrown away then she has the nerve to come and complain about her relationship problems like she blind to the effects her selfish actions have caused. She really has no brain, no wonder he’s bored with her after the honeymoon period ended. I kind of hope their relationship fails because to me they’re both awful people living in a fantasy but as soon as they took the throne reality and responsibilities hit, now they don’t know what to do with each other since she’s not capable.
At this point she was under the impression that the engagement was political and that the split was easy and amicable….. She’ll be annoying af soon enough about this matter but in this chapter shes just dumb.
fl is hesitant, cant blame her. . . maybe because of experiences but she must take a risk, i think its worth a try to open up and love someone
Akio Haruki
Awwww love is blooming ? ? ? ❤️ ♥️ ?