We have come full circle since the FL is in the dress that we saw in chapter 1 or this story (I went back and checked and yes that is the same dress)!!! I cannot wait for this story to update again!!! I need to know what Killian is planning and if it involves FL!!!! It has to be something huge to blackmail the empress (may she burn in the deepest pits of hell for trying to kill FL, and indirectly ML and John!!!) into cooperating with him!
I thought Killian would capture her assailants to have her favor and thus prevail over Adler, but instead he’s apparently going to use an attack on her life to directly get to her somehow. Wow. Disgusting. I can’t believe he’s cooperating with the one who ordered to kill her. Yikes!
He’s probably the psychopath too, I bet😡
We have come full circle since the FL is in the dress that we saw in chapter 1 or this story (I went back and checked and yes that is the same dress)!!! I cannot wait for this story to update again!!! I need to know what Killian is planning and if it involves FL!!!! It has to be something huge to blackmail the empress (may she burn in the deepest pits of hell for trying to kill FL, and indirectly ML and John!!!) into cooperating with him!
Bruhh wot now?
I thought Killian would capture her assailants to have her favor and thus prevail over Adler, but instead he’s apparently going to use an attack on her life to directly get to her somehow. Wow. Disgusting. I can’t believe he’s cooperating with the one who ordered to kill her. Yikes!
I hate this black haired bastard so much holy shit kys
Yeah. I also hate him but he’s hot. So I’m team John to avoid complicated feelings haha