You’ll should read about the origin of medical hand washing, long story short, a lazy surgeon wasn’t studying corpses anymore and had a better life to death ratio for the women he was treating. BAM! Germ theory! I think I remember that he became germophobic after that and went insane
@wolfu_chan It depends. I have read a lot of comics and in most of them, the villains usually are the ones to survive this kind of tests since they are smart asf
You’ll should read about the origin of medical hand washing, long story short, a lazy surgeon wasn’t studying corpses anymore and had a better life to death ratio for the women he was treating. BAM! Germ theory! I think I remember that he became germophobic after that and went insane
ew those hands
ice cream yum so good
@wolfu_chan It depends. I have read a lot of comics and in most of them, the villains usually are the ones to survive this kind of tests since they are smart asf
😐again fl privilege if she was a Villain than she will die right away
You do realise that medieval medics, medical technics and supplies, especially in Europe, were of the worst kind right?
Diseases were practically plaguing an entire kingdom every second generation.
why can’t she just undergo a C-section