Wolfu Is such a loser. Not even reading the story. I’m wondering now if the FL truly reminds them of another b*tch character or someone from real life because the comments are always so personal and inaccurate… Wolfu probably can’t think straight because of the memories of what has happened to them ;_; I kinda feel sorry for Wolfu
@wolfu_chan wow its been awhile since I see a person whose intelligence isnt enough to read manhwa that needs a little bit of thinking. i thought people are smarter nowadays but I guess im wrong.
and to people who say she meant that she won’t die because she has magic than NO she won’t die because she’s the “FL” like there will be a miracle or something the ML crying and she will start glowing like a disco ball and then the people will wooow a MiRaCaL ✨💅 and then everyone will be happy bla bla bla
I’m getting the feeling that you guys don’t like someone here.
Just a hunch.
Wolfu, dammit. why r u still here?
Wolfu is funny asf lmao
guys i cant tell if hes the guy she ran away from or not
Guys chill,.the wolfu is obviously a troll account, just enjoy the manga, the art is beautiful ✨✨
Wolfu Is such a loser. Not even reading the story. I’m wondering now if the FL truly reminds them of another b*tch character or someone from real life because the comments are always so personal and inaccurate… Wolfu probably can’t think straight because of the memories of what has happened to them ;_; I kinda feel sorry for Wolfu
@wolfu_chan wow its been awhile since I see a person whose intelligence isnt enough to read manhwa that needs a little bit of thinking. i thought people are smarter nowadays but I guess im wrong.
@wolfu_chan honestly at this point, why are you still even here? and why would you read this genre of manhwa as a raging misogynist? 😭
ice cream yum so good
@wolfu_chan Crazy words coming from someone who has only read the first 12 chapters of this manhwa. Why do you hate the FL so much? 💀
and to people who say she meant that she won’t die because she has magic than NO she won’t die because she’s the “FL” like there will be a miracle or something the ML crying and she will start glowing like a disco ball and then the people will wooow a MiRaCaL ✨💅 and then everyone will be happy bla bla bla
i’M nOt LikE OTheR wOMan, no you are your just a bi*ch that only knows how to cry and sell your body for cheap