Think about it he doesn’t need to eat, or poo. His bodily functions are holding a base rate, to get aroused blood would need to travel to his nethers and eventually he would release a bodily fluid. If the process is halted the same way his bowels are then he either can’t even start the rise or it’s a matter of not being able to finish either way it’s an unfortunate status condition.
Hahahahahahahaha he cant get it up
Help me understand how “all statuses return to normal” related to being impotent?
Think about it he doesn’t need to eat, or poo. His bodily functions are holding a base rate, to get aroused blood would need to travel to his nethers and eventually he would release a bodily fluid. If the process is halted the same way his bowels are then he either can’t even start the rise or it’s a matter of not being able to finish either way it’s an unfortunate status condition.