Meh, these 2 guys are pretty much useless anyway, she’s already dead before so both of their credibility is non-existent, they try to rationalize their argument, but it’s pretty much just an excuse. These guys were looking too far ahead into the situation that they don’t understand that her suffering is at its peak currently. The blonde dude is pretty much trash but Anakin though… I feel like he can just go back and kill the uncle family and cover his track using the accident excuse.
Oh well, I don’t know man, I feel like the author failed to create a good brother character, Anakin kills the enemy that threatened the person that he guards but not kill the person that threatened his sister life?, I ain’t buying that shit bro.
@PsychoPrincess I agree. My brothers have their protection level set at “as long as your body isn’t mangled when you die so much so that it will disturb us, you’re perfectly okay”
kiiinda dislike Ian after this chapter :/ now that it’s obvious that in both lives he was tasked to protect her by her bro…. it’s really shit that he never did more to help her? literally only interfering in life or death scenarios like the drowning or with howard :/
like dude… maybe if you didn’t LET her situation become so bad, howard wouldnt have been able to kill her??? just a thought???? like he’s using the excuse of queen liza as to why his hands are tied but… uhh… you run a shady information guild? you seriously cant think of a single way to help her aside from dating her??? are you dumb????
not to mention you didnt even do that much in the previous life :/ and the queen liza connection didnt exist in the previous life. soooooooo basically you had no intention to pay anakin back for the work he’s doing at the price he requested??
just makes him seem like a scummy scam artist ngl
also he LITERALLY runs an INFORMATION GUILD. he had to have known about her shitty family situation in both lives. him making the bullshit excuse of “oh i didnt want to tell her that her abusers are indeed abusive” is, um, a bullshit excuse???? and he’s garbage
ya garbage, ian.
Meh, these 2 guys are pretty much useless anyway, she’s already dead before so both of their credibility is non-existent, they try to rationalize their argument, but it’s pretty much just an excuse. These guys were looking too far ahead into the situation that they don’t understand that her suffering is at its peak currently. The blonde dude is pretty much trash but Anakin though… I feel like he can just go back and kill the uncle family and cover his track using the accident excuse.
Oh well, I don’t know man, I feel like the author failed to create a good brother character, Anakin kills the enemy that threatened the person that he guards but not kill the person that threatened his sister life?, I ain’t buying that shit bro.
@PsychoPrincess I agree. My brothers have their protection level set at “as long as your body isn’t mangled when you die so much so that it will disturb us, you’re perfectly okay”
Yo we all know boys like to fight more than think. I have 3 brothers their level of protection is “as long as you don’t die, you are fine.”
kiiinda dislike Ian after this chapter :/ now that it’s obvious that in both lives he was tasked to protect her by her bro…. it’s really shit that he never did more to help her? literally only interfering in life or death scenarios like the drowning or with howard :/
like dude… maybe if you didn’t LET her situation become so bad, howard wouldnt have been able to kill her??? just a thought???? like he’s using the excuse of queen liza as to why his hands are tied but… uhh… you run a shady information guild? you seriously cant think of a single way to help her aside from dating her??? are you dumb????
not to mention you didnt even do that much in the previous life :/ and the queen liza connection didnt exist in the previous life. soooooooo basically you had no intention to pay anakin back for the work he’s doing at the price he requested??
just makes him seem like a scummy scam artist ngl
also he LITERALLY runs an INFORMATION GUILD. he had to have known about her shitty family situation in both lives. him making the bullshit excuse of “oh i didnt want to tell her that her abusers are indeed abusive” is, um, a bullshit excuse???? and he’s garbage
ya garbage, ian.
You are so right about Ian, he is trash!!
Agree. Ian is a trash. Well, I’m leaving now this story now lol
So is her brother who keeps on wanting to be ‘stronger’ instead of taking care or at least getting her sister out of that abusive family.