Neither lead is likable.
She’s stressed he’s treating her like a servant and keeps fawning over him.
He harasses her and seems unaware of uncaring about how she has to watch herself around him and the power he holds.
It’s like if a rude customer kept flirting with and harassing a barista but after complaining to management she went “(●♡∀♡) squee!”
Why I got a gl vibes here ?. Well,Lauren is a good lover too but theo is handsome and hot. I won’t mind sleeping with him even just one night lol. Please update,I want to see more. I know Theo will win,but I want to see the aftermath of this competition lol
Neither lead is likable.
She’s stressed he’s treating her like a servant and keeps fawning over him.
He harasses her and seems unaware of uncaring about how she has to watch herself around him and the power he holds.
It’s like if a rude customer kept flirting with and harassing a barista but after complaining to management she went “(●♡∀♡) squee!”
Oh boy this just got interesting can’t wait
no one
I think it’s obvious who will but it would be really funny if there’s a twist and theo lose lol
no one
*who will win*
Why I got a gl vibes here ?. Well,Lauren is a good lover too but theo is handsome and hot. I won’t mind sleeping with him even just one night lol. Please update,I want to see more. I know Theo will win,but I want to see the aftermath of this competition lol
bro is determined