@dapperlady you are one the DUMBEST PEOPLE i have ever came across. no joking. not only did u compare traumas which by the way is one of the shittiest things u can do but u also said her mom is just STRICT/COLD? did you not see her mother just literally hit her the chapter before this? and also the chapter before that? youre either blind or your iq is in the negatives ☠️
u guys are mean as hell wth shes a teenage girl wanting the affection of her mother who verbally abuses her every chance she gets. everyone calling her childish while not realizing that SHE IS A CHILD. verbal abuse is just as bad as any other abuse and it messes with your mind really bad, in her case she gets scolded so much that she probably feels that shes never enough, hence why she loved everyone praising her. Yall wanting a child to be perfect. she knows she made a mistake which is really impressive if you look at the teenagers nowadays. everyone makes mistakes as a child probably even you reading this.
I’m sorry but having a cold/strict mother is not an excuse to act like a brat or an idiot. And honestly the only thing we’ve seen the mother do so far is lightly castigate her for IMPERSONATING THE CROWN PRINCESS. That alone could get you charged with treason even if she didn’t explicitly tell people that she was the princess. But then when said crown princess SAVES HER LIFE, she throws and tantrum and RUNS AWAY. Like that is a princess your taking to. I would be on my knees groveling and begging for forgiveness, not complaining to a leader of your country about your family problems. Like TMI and so not appropriate. I have literally no pity for this girl. Also I love that Aisha felt empathy for this girl because she thinks they’re similar. Girl you were straight up MURDERED by your family while her mom is maybe kinda mean, like you are not even on the same continent.
Girlll listen. I know that you pity her because she is like you in a past life but she still did something bad. She didn’t mean for it to happen but in a way she did want it to happen.
They are giving this girl a pity party but I think running away when the Crowned Princess from your Kingdom is calling for you sounds like a treasonous move.
ALSO she almost got other people hurt! People would love her even less if those wizards attacked more innocent bystanders because she retaliated against them.
guy stop hating ashley for her mistake
she deserved it for being an idiot just like you
@dapperlady you are one the DUMBEST PEOPLE i have ever came across. no joking. not only did u compare traumas which by the way is one of the shittiest things u can do but u also said her mom is just STRICT/COLD? did you not see her mother just literally hit her the chapter before this? and also the chapter before that? youre either blind or your iq is in the negatives ☠️
u guys are mean as hell wth shes a teenage girl wanting the affection of her mother who verbally abuses her every chance she gets. everyone calling her childish while not realizing that SHE IS A CHILD. verbal abuse is just as bad as any other abuse and it messes with your mind really bad, in her case she gets scolded so much that she probably feels that shes never enough, hence why she loved everyone praising her. Yall wanting a child to be perfect. she knows she made a mistake which is really impressive if you look at the teenagers nowadays. everyone makes mistakes as a child probably even you reading this.
Couldn’t Mr. Handsome Fae King freeze that dumb girl in her tracks?
I’m sorry but having a cold/strict mother is not an excuse to act like a brat or an idiot. And honestly the only thing we’ve seen the mother do so far is lightly castigate her for IMPERSONATING THE CROWN PRINCESS. That alone could get you charged with treason even if she didn’t explicitly tell people that she was the princess. But then when said crown princess SAVES HER LIFE, she throws and tantrum and RUNS AWAY. Like that is a princess your taking to. I would be on my knees groveling and begging for forgiveness, not complaining to a leader of your country about your family problems. Like TMI and so not appropriate. I have literally no pity for this girl. Also I love that Aisha felt empathy for this girl because she thinks they’re similar. Girl you were straight up MURDERED by your family while her mom is maybe kinda mean, like you are not even on the same continent.
Ok I hate her. But, Aisha let her go, she’s just a trouble.
Can’t they deal with the issue already? It’s been dragging for chapters now, when will it be over?
Ba-reum Jeong
@Subtitute for the two strawberries Ikr? I know that she’s nice, but she can’t be nice to everyone.
Substitute for the two strawberries
Girlll listen. I know that you pity her because she is like you in a past life but she still did something bad. She didn’t mean for it to happen but in a way she did want it to happen.
Guys he’s Luminas the spirit king. Remember how he visited when she was little but left cuz she got scared?
He’s a douche but lawrd he still fine
This is annoying
They are giving this girl a pity party but I think running away when the Crowned Princess from your Kingdom is calling for you sounds like a treasonous move.
ALSO she almost got other people hurt! People would love her even less if those wizards attacked more innocent bystanders because she retaliated against them.
honestly tho- idc about that greedy lil brat backstory…
The chapter was always short to maintain quality of the art
i like how theres such a push to make the girl as pitiable as possible but no one’s having it lmao ?
Was that short or did I read fast ?
I think it was short ???
No this chapter is short ?