Why is she calling herself a spirit now? That ain’t make no sense.
I assume it’s just crappy translating, but gonna get confusing if she’s the spirit of dead girl, living in a spirit who summons spirits…
damn, all those nobles are really embarrassing themselves. idk why any sane persom would pretend to be a royal member at a noble gathering. either they have a death wish or they’re a fool being used.
How can she be real when only one princess was borne.. If people believe this just because she can summon spirit then they are dumb af.. Its not like summoning spirit can make you royal.. I am pissed off
Why is she calling herself a spirit now? That ain’t make no sense.
I assume it’s just crappy translating, but gonna get confusing if she’s the spirit of dead girl, living in a spirit who summons spirits…
Please be a good person…
pls tell me she aint like manipulative or mean…
blue lu so cute
They probably have shadow escorts
Am I the only one surprised she doesn’t have a knight escort?? I mean she’s gotta have security right, but where is they???
So she’s not the big blotch, but is she another one?
damn, all those nobles are really embarrassing themselves. idk why any sane persom would pretend to be a royal member at a noble gathering. either they have a death wish or they’re a fool being used.
How can be that have another princess .
Woah what?! It can’t end there! ☹️? and does that girl know that pretending to be royal is a biiiiiiiig no no!
who is this bitch?
How can she be real when only one princess was borne.. If people believe this just because she can summon spirit then they are dumb af.. Its not like summoning spirit can make you royal.. I am pissed off