omg I think MC’s old family are cursed or something cuz whenever her brother tries to remember her and their sweet moments together his head hurts as if there is something blocking his view.. this bitch Marianne is not a normal kid, her eyes turned red I think she is a demon or something and she is controlling the family by magic. I still hate this family but I’m curious about what’s really going on with them cuz in the past they all seemed so happy with each other and they loved Alisa (Aisha now)
aaahhhh this is what ive been waiting for, the prelude to all the pain, regret, and agony that they should face in exchange for their crimes~ now i just want him to grovel and beg for forgiveness while someone JABS HIS FUCKING EYES OUT WITH HOT POKERS oh and marianne should suffer too lol
If you commit injustice you will not be able to escape Selena’s judgment….
These lines made my heart break idk why man you can’t escape now… Just you wait you’ll die.. your heart was impure that’s why devil conquered you and you didn’t do justice to your sister.. haa how ironic will it be to see you all suffer in future.. i still can’t get over the fact that they killed her brutally specially her own brother aah my head hurts i am pissed why the fuck do i have to see these bastards in whole chapter i wanna see Isis’s lovely smile guess i will read this manga again from her rebirth ??
Go to h*ll! You f*ck*ng b*st*rds!!! This chapter makes my blood boil!!!! Sorry, I just can’t stop my emotions since they cause the death of our beloved MC!!! Can’t wait to see their epic downfall!!!???
I have a feeling that the “saintess” can manipulate a person’s memory
i just freaking want to push her off a cliff
The ‘saintess’ should be shoved somewhere where the sun don’t shine because she definitely doesn’t belong to live under it
This is so tragic… the brother killed his sister because he was bewitched. This is so terrible:( the ‘Saintess’ can go disappear
I hope he dies a painful death after suffering alot for what he did to that poor girl after that I shall go and dance on his grave
LLENNS heartburst
i would never tell anybody this but hear me out. go kill yourself!!
omg I think MC’s old family are cursed or something cuz whenever her brother tries to remember her and their sweet moments together his head hurts as if there is something blocking his view.. this bitch Marianne is not a normal kid, her eyes turned red I think she is a demon or something and she is controlling the family by magic. I still hate this family but I’m curious about what’s really going on with them cuz in the past they all seemed so happy with each other and they loved Alisa (Aisha now)
Yeah, me too
Shut yo ugly ass up aisha is way better then you and your disgusting “sister”
I know we need some context from their side but I’m seething that we had to read a whole chapter with them only (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
She is so disgusting wtf
Fuck you brother
Get lost!!!!!!??
The only time I want to see those mother f***** is when they die ??? I’m really angry right now www agghhhhhhh
go die damn half brother!!! go die b+tch Marianne!!!
Let’s get it done ??????
Sara jj
I reed novel spoiler mc’s past familly a little pitty that bitch marianne??
Then by your logic you and all of your siblings including that devil should die right
Oooooh I sure hope so
aaahhhh this is what ive been waiting for, the prelude to all the pain, regret, and agony that they should face in exchange for their crimes~ now i just want him to grovel and beg for forgiveness while someone JABS HIS FUCKING EYES OUT WITH HOT POKERS oh and marianne should suffer too lol
If you commit injustice you will not be able to escape Selena’s judgment….
These lines made my heart break idk why man you can’t escape now… Just you wait you’ll die.. your heart was impure that’s why devil conquered you and you didn’t do justice to your sister.. haa how ironic will it be to see you all suffer in future.. i still can’t get over the fact that they killed her brutally specially her own brother aah my head hurts i am pissed why the fuck do i have to see these bastards in whole chapter i wanna see Isis’s lovely smile guess i will read this manga again from her rebirth ??
My thoughts exactly !
Go to h*ll! You f*ck*ng b*st*rds!!! This chapter makes my blood boil!!!! Sorry, I just can’t stop my emotions since they cause the death of our beloved MC!!! Can’t wait to see their epic downfall!!!???