Inso’s Law - Chapter 192
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Svt@ 333
I have wanted dani to ended up with yeondeon, but after seeing them together I do feel happy but at the same time I feel empty, I just feel but for the others also it’s the writer fault for making all the males so good looking
Please Love the Villainess
I domt know if ur a savior or the grimm ripper lucas but that’s one way to break a vulnerable heart i mean relationship 🤧
No i want her to end with yeondeon oppa!! Seriously please let it happen TT_TT
She is extremely confused she doesn’t understand her heart because even if she knows she one of the four HK she will say he doesn’t belong to me but the FL and she will hold her heart in her hands and leave
Oh shit no-
@equalshivers it’s a pity that he’s not the one with her at the end of the novel
Yes exactly thank you Lucas because she know damn well she likes Yoo Chunyeong