Inso’s Law - Chapter 173
You don't have anything in histories
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I’ve decided team yeodan has won my heart also can we please appreciate our precious sun/son😭
Ngl Yeodan is my favourite. I’m weak for the hot older brother types. Also, he’s Dani’s first love right? The set-up is just too good.
I an suddenly team Yeodan 🤣 I mean who won’t fell in love with their best friends older brother if he is hot and good teacher as well 😉
Princess Duck
Hmm…I think they’ll end up dating for real 🤔
I can’t remember the novel since I read few years ago
LOL u can see in Ruda’s desk the damage he did on his desk… anyways..It’s not fair!! Dan I dosen’t deserve this u BIG DUMMY BOYS!! I’m MAD!!
I wish they dated for real 😩
They look so cute together.
Precious son is the best
The chapters are so short 😭 I wish I could find the novel it’s based off of online. I wanna binge read it so bad