reading comprehension has left the chat for you Janjan. If you can’t see the character development from the first chapter then it seems that the speed at which you read is fast and yet reading comprehension is faster that you
@IRySuperGlue….but in any other manhwa you would scream bloody murder about the age gap…nah..I chose neitherlets have this just about romance…
reading comprehension has left the chat for you Janjan. If you can’t see the character development from the first chapter then it seems that the speed at which you read is fast and yet reading comprehension is faster that you
He learned from the Trojan war lol
I’m getting bored the mc are so coward their still no character development my god
tbh i can’t stand that red hair bitch.
I wouldn’t mind if this turned into a bl with the sword friend😭
@IRySuperGlue….but in any other manhwa you would scream bloody murder about the age gap…nah..I chose neitherlets have this just about romance…
@IRySuperGlue sometimes we just have to keep our opinions to ourselves… aka shut up
The teacher seina is much better for shirone than that tomato head amy
Teacher seina and shirone should just end up together
aren’t we all just… tired of tsundere pointless love interests already? can we leave that trope in the dirt where it belongs?
I Love Dilfs
Ever since the red head got into the storyline I just really lost interest in this 🙁 I really liked this but she’s ruining it imo