Jihu what a dumb guy he is his brain is for decoration or what?? petty bastard get yo head out of material stuff clearly she have feelings for other guy but your over confidence won’t let you see it, good now you got turned down instead, but now I won’t be surprised he’ll start to have real feelings for her….
nice Seo-A! you picked up from shy girl even better you knew your feelings that aside poor Jumin 😂😂 what’s with those dogs and poop not to mention what a bastard his friend is 😂😂 girl he’s a coward but you fell for him anyway, not Seo-A selecting all options 😂😂 for a sec Jumin though she was touched until last one 😂😂
Jihu what a dumb guy he is his brain is for decoration or what?? petty bastard get yo head out of material stuff clearly she have feelings for other guy but your over confidence won’t let you see it, good now you got turned down instead, but now I won’t be surprised he’ll start to have real feelings for her….
nice Seo-A! you picked up from shy girl even better you knew your feelings that aside poor Jumin 😂😂 what’s with those dogs and poop not to mention what a bastard his friend is 😂😂 girl he’s a coward but you fell for him anyway, not Seo-A selecting all options 😂😂 for a sec Jumin though she was touched until last one 😂😂