Using the power to show that the orange haired bitch is the one that killed him, instead of her putting the blame on some innocent person 🥲 like I have no fucking idea how they are gonna prove anything
B*tch please. Connect that sorry excuse you made up with the soldiers catching your mother on act trying to burn a co*pse. Even the fact that it happened inside your mansion, as the owner, you can’t escape culpability. I’m so done with this Bilat girl. Trying so hard to come off as cunning and smart, but failing hard
Don’t let this drag on anymore please… It’s already 90+ episode…
That’d not going to work. You’re done. Its over. You lost. Now behave and die quietly.
Using the power to show that the orange haired bitch is the one that killed him, instead of her putting the blame on some innocent person 🥲 like I have no fucking idea how they are gonna prove anything
B*tch please. Connect that sorry excuse you made up with the soldiers catching your mother on act trying to burn a co*pse. Even the fact that it happened inside your mansion, as the owner, you can’t escape culpability. I’m so done with this Bilat girl. Trying so hard to come off as cunning and smart, but failing hard