Why did he just burst in there? He could have taken the time to search the manor to see if she could be there somewhere. After all, they would want her where they could easily go see her
Oh please, take the mom hostage and threaten to kill her or else. Or better yet torture that bitch and force her to tell you herself. It’s not that fucking hard.
Why did he just burst in there? He could have taken the time to search the manor to see if she could be there somewhere. After all, they would want her where they could easily go see her
He’s ducking stupid. I would not have burst in there I would have kept listening and then do some looking around. She must be on the property.
Oh please, take the mom hostage and threaten to kill her or else. Or better yet torture that bitch and force her to tell you herself. It’s not that fucking hard.
Byatt should be the MC… She’s so self-assured and quick on her feet…
Have mercy! This harlot is more dangerous than the ebola virus, I wouldn’t want her for protagonist…