I like this princess. She’s doing it for herself but it’s also advantageous to herkeus. Staying by herna’s side won’t guarantee her absolute protection. He needs to break away from the kroizen family with a power greater than theirs and the royal family is the best fit. But I think he shouldn’t leave in a hurry and another means of protection should be secured first. She’s not in any immediate danger but there could be variables. She needs her own people in that house
I Cant_Sleep
I like this princess. She’s doing it for herself but it’s also advantageous to herkeus. Staying by herna’s side won’t guarantee her absolute protection. He needs to break away from the kroizen family with a power greater than theirs and the royal family is the best fit. But I think he shouldn’t leave in a hurry and another means of protection should be secured first. She’s not in any immediate danger but there could be variables. She needs her own people in that house