I’m the Main Character’s Little Sister - Chapter 9
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And just cus EVERYONE has it rough
Doesn’t mean he should hold it in
Thats just dumb
So what? It’s not her fault. If he want to vent his anger, he can find a psy. So because things are hard for you, you are allowed To vent on a poor girl
@Rococochoco Y r U angry
U have no right
I mean like I dont think its ok to vent his anger on her
But it doesn’t mean I dont understand him
He lost his wife and he’s mourning
Would u been in the pleasing mood to be nice and kind and just hapy if u lost ur loved one?
I sure wouldn’t
That doesn’t mean its okay for him to take his anger out on her, everyone is having a tough time. He should be fired or in the very least punished though their HR if they have one