I’m the Main Character’s Little Sister - Chapter 47
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Haesang and Farsei have the same soul.
Haesangs soul was born as Farsei, and then bounced back to Haesangs body.
So, even though the memories of his life as Haesang are not all there, it is still “him”.
In addition, Bobae feels that it is the current tactions of this life, the here and now, that tie all of them together as family. All her brothers act like her family, sincerely, and care for each other the way family would. That’s what matters the most.
It’s what makes a found family a family. These people are choosing eachother
I think it’s still hansaeng tho.. since he had those memories that he couldn’t have if he’s not hansaeng..
Not at all!!
Don’t know about the MC!
But, I for one, am NOT alright at all that Haesang’s soul has disappeared!
Thats the one and only reason I semi-dropped this manhwa which I SOOOO LOVED!!!!!
It instantly became my favorite from the first chapter, until I found out about Haesang!
I couldn’t bear with the fact that the third brother’s soul has disappeared!
I’m back since there is a sliver of hope for him to be the same as this guy or come back to his body at some point!!!
*Sniff–Sniff* T^T My beloved manhwa! T^T