“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
Matthew 28:19 AMP
“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 AMP
Jesus Is The One True God, (The Son, one with our Father God In Heaven, and The Holy Spirit, representing a Three-In-One God) Who loves and appreciates us so so much! God bless! 🤍
History lesson for a 3 or 5 year old child?? ..teach her how to write and count first,lol…and Daddy is so cute …when I see you smile I see a ray of light ohhh I see it shining right through the rain…lol..
I think for now it’s more like telling a kid stories to entertain them and help them learn a bit in the process. It’s normal for kids to be told stories before learning to count or read so it’s not that strange.
Am I the only one who wants FL’s father to find (in the future) another partner? It would be cute and really interesting. I know it’s really romantic being with your “soul mate” and really tragic to lose that person but sometimes you’ve got to move on…
My comment it was kinda random but oh well…
I understand where your going but for me I don’t really like the idea to just move on and find another woman idk perhaps because I don’t like the idea of Claude and Regis falling in love with some random woman when they’re so inlove with Diana and Amellia even though they’re already dead.It’s just that I like it when the father just focus on her daughter because it brings him happiness just with that,they don’t need another woman because they already have their own daughter.
ahhh our FL is raising her dad. got it. Alright, ill forgive the Duke…for now….I aint getting over the fact lil girl never knew her own name and probably would’ve never known if it wasn’t for FL possessing her body…but for now, ill put aside my dislike for dude.
Yeah I am picturing her dumbass dad being like “How could you not know your name, I wrote it in the imperial records the day you were born” “servants can’t access imperial records or read imperial script and I was a literal baby.” *shocked pikachu face *
Jesus loves youu
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
Matthew 28:19 AMP
“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 AMP
Jesus Is The One True God, (The Son, one with our Father God In Heaven, and The Holy Spirit, representing a Three-In-One God) Who loves and appreciates us so so much! God bless! 🤍
oho the smile of ced.. i forgot the FLs Dad’s name hahah 🥰🥰🥰
Ohohohohohohohooh I am 85% sure that boy named fade or idk might be the ML. But, he’s really really old, right?
lol 10 year age gap *calling fbi* hundreds of years age gap *perfectly fine*
History lesson for a 3 or 5 year old child?? ..teach her how to write and count first,lol…and Daddy is so cute …when I see you smile I see a ray of light ohhh I see it shining right through the rain…lol..
I think for now it’s more like telling a kid stories to entertain them and help them learn a bit in the process. It’s normal for kids to be told stories before learning to count or read so it’s not that strange.
Oh! A smile from the dad!
Also, are my male lead senses on the fritz or should we expect to see more of Fade 😉
too slay.
“we need to hire you a nanny to educate you”
hires a wizard looking dude
I know you
Hehehe it’s good to have something different
Spring and Summer
Am I the only one who wants FL’s father to find (in the future) another partner? It would be cute and really interesting. I know it’s really romantic being with your “soul mate” and really tragic to lose that person but sometimes you’ve got to move on…
My comment it was kinda random but oh well…
I understand where your going but for me I don’t really like the idea to just move on and find another woman idk perhaps because I don’t like the idea of Claude and Regis falling in love with some random woman when they’re so inlove with Diana and Amellia even though they’re already dead.It’s just that I like it when the father just focus on her daughter because it brings him happiness just with that,they don’t need another woman because they already have their own daughter.
ahhh our FL is raising her dad. got it. Alright, ill forgive the Duke…for now….I aint getting over the fact lil girl never knew her own name and probably would’ve never known if it wasn’t for FL possessing her body…but for now, ill put aside my dislike for dude.
Yeah I am picturing her dumbass dad being like “How could you not know your name, I wrote it in the imperial records the day you were born” “servants can’t access imperial records or read imperial script and I was a literal baby.” *shocked pikachu face *
ML? Probably right?