haruna08kanako hangkyut ng bantering ni cardin at fei hahahahaha March 8, 2023 at 1:48 pm Log in to Reply
Catfish Haiz,.. annoying,.her father told her not to let go of his hand but,this is the result of not listening and insisting your wants…? August 13, 2022 at 4:33 am Log in to Reply
blahdeblah i would agree except the fact that she is like barely as tall as his arm is long, and he could have picked her up at any time lolol August 13, 2022 at 5:16 am
Leileyani Um… actually no. It doesn’t look like she let go of his hand at first. What happened was that there was a bunch of people pushing in a different direction and forced her away. That can happen to anyone and has been known to happen. August 13, 2022 at 12:22 pm
hangkyut ng bantering ni cardin at fei hahahahaha
Poor baby!
Doesn’t she have magic?
Haiz,.. annoying,.her father told her not to let go of his hand but,this is the result of not listening and insisting your wants…?
i would agree except the fact that she is like barely as tall as his arm is long, and he could have picked her up at any time lolol
Um… actually no. It doesn’t look like she let go of his hand at first. What happened was that there was a bunch of people pushing in a different direction and forced her away. That can happen to anyone and has been known to happen.