I’m Sure It’s My Baby - Chapter 6
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Bruhhh grey is 100% much better cs like she basically gonna marry the cousin of her sisters babydaddy😭😭
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
even tho grey isn’t sexy, i prefer him. The duke just gives me “im gonna be rude to you and make you do something you don’t want to do” vibes.
Grey is calm, confident, hardworking and certain that its her he wants. Plus, green eyes and dark hair? The perfect man.
Reader is L
I vote for GREY!!! ✋️
Ditch the duke!
NOOOO NOT 2nd ML syndrome with the childhood friend 😭😭😭😭 someone save these childhood friends
Forget the duke, I want Grey to be ML. The childhood friend that’s in love with her but has to make her understand he’s not marrying her to pay back her fathers kindness these are is real feelings is way better than some one night stand she barely knows outside of highschool 😭😭😭😭
All in favor of making Gray the ML say aye~
Welp, time to yank on that ring and start the acting
I kind of like Grey more😩🤤
Oh god- gray hair isn’t in the cover…
Does that make him 2nd ML? I kinda like the gray hair😭