I’m Sure It’s My Baby - Chapter 5
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@misc no we only know her sister kept it as secret also there’s no info on y he was murdered either so her sis wanted her family to be safe that’s y she fled the country in the first place
author is misleading them tho? like ye
her sis has blue eye but not dark blue eye
while we can say royal family had golden/blonde hair
how will she explain that the kid is not his cos he is spitting imge like thr Duke lol
Oh! So the kid is actually her sister’s child and she actually did die in childbirth, then?
… Has she figured out that her sister’s lover was the murdered crown prince?
So what I understand so far is…
Clare is the co-owner (or at least the largest shareholder) of the Wibing Company with major influence on the railroad and spinning industry. She credits her business decisions to her past-life experiences facing modern-day capitalism in her old world. Roger (the cranberry hair-color merchant) owns Wibing Company that’s currently dominating the textile industry thanks to its mass production of textiles and printed fabrics sold even to the most common people. Roger proposed marrying him to ensure her child’s adoption is executed swiftly to which she grimaces and allows her legal advisor Grey (ash-hair coloring) to shut him out of the room.
Meanwhile, our ML the Duke has several advisors breathing down his neck about his mother’s overspending and her family (the Marquis) failing badly at their attempts in the textile industry, racking up a debt of 50 million gold. He tells them to sod off and leave her because regardless of whether she spends 10/20/100 million gold, it would not affect the duke’s family finances, courtesy of their family having the largest mines in the empire including an oil field, and knows that Wibing company is owned by FL but won’t pursue cause he thinks she hates him still.
Yes the duke and crown prince are cousins
The kid is crown prince’s child but his hair is similar to the duke’s hair.. so are the two of them (duke & CP) cousins? Or what.. im confused
Omyghad hahahah I totally sensed that he was gonna think it’s his child, based on the previous chapters and the kid also looks like him for real, even though it’s really the crown prince’s kid.
He’s already in love with her but denying it because she said she hates him and I guess subconsciously he doesn’t want to get hurt.
i can’t understand the translation well
Oh so he’s gonna use the kid as an excuse to get with her😏 and he’ll be pissed off to find out she’s engaged to Sherwood 😏