I’m Sure It’s My Baby - Chapter 12
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nah, i dont care for a guy that’s so inflated with his own self-righteousness that he can’t process that his actions are unwarranted and unwanted. It’s giving real villian-y vibes. He’s so blinded by his feelings for FL that he doesn’t care for anyone’s opinion or facts; he doesn’t even care for FL’s opinions or her circumstances. He goes behind her back and undermines her teachings just so he can convince a kid, that isn’t his, to like him? Ima need his insecurities and personality to get a update patch coz big YUCK.
I don’t care for the duke. I agree with other comment about hey trying to teach the boy how to manage money and not be a spoil brat. But for the Duke to go over hey and buy everything just for the kid to like him thinking he’s his kid is wrong and I hope she sets him straight.
Oh yeah, nothing like going over the head of the woman you love to try to win over the child they’re raising even tho she clearly stated not to, that’ll totally score ya some brownie points, duke. /S
Like ffs, she could be trying to teach elliot the importance of sharing and caring about others as well as how to handle money and yet the duke is planning to go over her head and give him what he wanted anyways despite the fact that she stated that he couldn’t have the toy cuz it’s for all the kids there. Also wtf is with the translation switching her title at times. A baron is one of the lowest ranks of nobility so why does her title keep changing to one of the ones above her actual title.
@monofelia same the translation made me so confused and also the ML is quite annoying to follow because the lack of him to seek out information to confirm that elliot is not his son. He has a tiltle of a Duke but he’s not acting like one. Also isn’t the FL a Baroness and not a viscountess since when did her social standing get upgraded?
If I were.to be isekaid I would die a beggar. I o my know how to cook cup ramen. I’m gonna drop this. The kid is cute but translation and the story is giving me migraine.
This seems to be translated by one group but somehow they botched her title every chapter. Like she is suppose to be a baronnes, but one chapter she’s marquees, now she is a viscountess.. lol
As much as I like to see her independent entrepreneurship, there are very few people that I know that could reproduce technologies such as a loom if isekai’d by Truck sama. This probably would have been a more put together plot had she been attempting to capture him with Elliot.