I’m Sure It’s My Baby - Chapter 1
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The translation is terrible but i can stoll at least get whats happening.
This chapter is going all over the please😵💫
@Idacasual same here…
Im somewhat fluent in teen manhua translations but this is on another level
Historical Maniac
I thought I’m the only one confused. Reading the first chapter is agonizing.
not only description make no sense but story as well…
i’m confused as hell
The TL is grammatically correct but… makes no sense at all.
Reader is L
That was painful to read.
the translation is confusing T_T
What’s stupid is this shitty translation.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
well i’m interested. The FL is super pretty, and even though the ML isn’t crazy good-looking, I’m still looking forward to their relationship blossoming. Other than that, I thought the sister turned into the ML like some kind of cross-dressing story lmao
Aya Bouslimi
I love it ❤️😍 more chapters please
When I saw this in IG I was so excited .. but why? why is thw translation hard to understand? Let me go and read ths novel
Y’all I thought the sister grew up and changed into a cry 😭 I was so freaked out what’s with this translation?!
Enemies to lovers? But I don’t really consider them as enemies tho-
oh ghad what a horrible translation 🌀👄🌀
What the…?!
It’s confusing,
maybe due to the lousy translation.
I love surprise baby stories, time for 50 chapters of telling the guy he’s not the father
It’s interesting, but the translation is a bit off