I feel bad for the black-haired girl. Why must the author make a villain put of her? Like, what? It’s always the same trope with other women bashing isn’t it
Ah. Given the vibes I’m leaning towards the “brother” being her lover. A good ol brother lover 🤢. I’m still team Blondy he’s a little crazy but she needs someone protecting her and in her corner.
To me, eeron and Sera will always have a sibling relationship and nothing more. Jae eon himself is a big asshole, so he doesn’t deserve her anyway, but seo Jung won is it for me. He’s suffered, and deserves to be with someone who truly understands him and his feelings. And I believe that that person is shin sera. He’s endgame.
I feel bad for the black-haired girl. Why must the author make a villain put of her? Like, what? It’s always the same trope with other women bashing isn’t it
I feel sorry for Blondy
I knew that the time I marinated this is not enough! What a cliffhanger huhu
It’s completely whoa moment for me kinda glad she’s not getting whiplash from all these guys yet but I mean soon I feel she will be.
Catarina Claes reverse harem
Oh m god!!!!! Eeron~~~ you are like a warm sun
When you appeared in the panel for first , I was like ooooh~ that’s my Eeron~
Well he knows they’re not siblings related by blood so what’s wrong with that?
Ah. Given the vibes I’m leaning towards the “brother” being her lover. A good ol brother lover 🤢. I’m still team Blondy he’s a little crazy but she needs someone protecting her and in her corner.
“This isn’t fair” my foot you STUPID B*TCH!! Now you know how Sera felt in that situation when you did your dirty shitty tricks. Now you f*cking know.
Ahhh I know Jung probably is a Major Red flag… but I can’t help it… he is just sooo hawt xD
Omg omg omg! Bitch lost it and our baby is almost look like he will confess! This is getting good
AHHHHH my boi eeron at lasttr
To me, eeron and Sera will always have a sibling relationship and nothing more. Jae eon himself is a big asshole, so he doesn’t deserve her anyway, but seo Jung won is it for me. He’s suffered, and deserves to be with someone who truly understands him and his feelings. And I believe that that person is shin sera. He’s endgame.
come on black haired ML win her heart others two are bums and doesnt deserve her
What the heck did the MLS saw in og fl
Lloyed Frontera