Kids, while it’s true that you shouldn’t worry about weight as much as Abigail did, you have to remember that making yourself looks good to your partner is also important thing. You can’t expect your partner to love the way you are when you can’t even love your own body. If you don’t care about that, you’re just being selfish.
“Get you a partner who loves you if you’re skinny, fat, chubby, dark or pale! Get you a partner who loves you because you’re you!!” -Random person i overhead on the street in front of a walmart lmao
i’m happy the weight plot is here. i wish someone could have told me these things when I was a kid. being fat isn’t a sign of a moral failure or a lack of beauty. it’s just like being blonde or brown skinned or having a big nose. something you are that’s wonderful and neutral.
The weight plot is actually an important part of this story. Her original body is fat and not pretty, she has a mental disorder about it. This is to show no matter how pretty and skinny your vessel is, if you are mentally unhealthy you’ll see yourself as lacking no matter what.
Kids, while it’s true that you shouldn’t worry about weight as much as Abigail did, you have to remember that making yourself looks good to your partner is also important thing. You can’t expect your partner to love the way you are when you can’t even love your own body. If you don’t care about that, you’re just being selfish.
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
“Get you a partner who loves you if you’re skinny, fat, chubby, dark or pale! Get you a partner who loves you because you’re you!!” -Random person i overhead on the street in front of a walmart lmao
i’m happy the weight plot is here. i wish someone could have told me these things when I was a kid. being fat isn’t a sign of a moral failure or a lack of beauty. it’s just like being blonde or brown skinned or having a big nose. something you are that’s wonderful and neutral.
She has Obesophobia(the fear of becoming fat).
Josh Thankgosh
Who?… Are you?
The weight plot is actually an important part of this story. Her original body is fat and not pretty, she has a mental disorder about it. This is to show no matter how pretty and skinny your vessel is, if you are mentally unhealthy you’ll see yourself as lacking no matter what.
ugh not weight plot now. I could do without this.
Man I absolutely hate the brother, he made her so insecure 🙁 I would have beat the sh*t out of him the moment he mentioned my weight