For those not wanting mirror boy to be shipped with Blanche: mirror boy’s appearance is normally much younger so he’s the same age as Blanche but you’ll see that in other chapterrrrss
I ship the mirror and blanche, von voyage. Hope the author will not wreck my ship. But what is that pervert doing in there? That’s not a coincidence,you purposely stroll to have your way to blanche..why did Abigail let this pervert to stay when Seiblian kicked him out of the palace
Eh. If they’re going for a Blanche/Mirror romance they should’ve consistently had him appear young (both physically and mentally), not hinted at him being 2nd ml, not have him call Blanche “kid”, etc.
Blanche DOES HAVE a love interest.. and yes it is the one in the mirror (someone put/loocked him in there)… he is not an adult but a child like Blanche. There was a reason for him to appear like an adult in the mirror but I don’t really remember why (its been a while since I read the novel)… I know that he lost his memories and I believe he adopted an adult appearence to match (?) FL age (?)…
He’s dead
Ugh what a pervert
Does he not know that assaulting royalty is a crime?! More importantly, how has this guy been getting away with being such a creep for so long?
For those not wanting mirror boy to be shipped with Blanche: mirror boy’s appearance is normally much younger so he’s the same age as Blanche but you’ll see that in other chapterrrrss
Those who are shipping the miroir guy with Blanche let’s not forget that Blanche is a MINOR and that’s a thousand years old miroir ??
XD its not a thousand years old mirror …. its a kid fairy stuck in a mirror… also the (future) husband of Blanche
I ship the mirror and blanche, von voyage. Hope the author will not wreck my ship. But what is that pervert doing in there? That’s not a coincidence,you purposely stroll to have your way to blanche..why did Abigail let this pervert to stay when Seiblian kicked him out of the palace
woahhh whatttt mirror x blanche??? ugjkgkk but he’s such a 2nd ml vibes tho ngl mirror deserves ml in his own manhwa XDD
Eh. If they’re going for a Blanche/Mirror romance they should’ve consistently had him appear young (both physically and mentally), not hinted at him being 2nd ml, not have him call Blanche “kid”, etc.
Blanche doesn’t have a love interest in the story. If you don’t believe me you can go read the novel 🙂
Blanche DOES HAVE a love interest.. and yes it is the one in the mirror (someone put/loocked him in there)… he is not an adult but a child like Blanche. There was a reason for him to appear like an adult in the mirror but I don’t really remember why (its been a while since I read the novel)… I know that he lost his memories and I believe he adopted an adult appearence to match (?) FL age (?)…
You are right, in the beginning I was hoping for Mirror X FL romantic moments as a 2nd ML
Spring and Summer
That piece of shit…
Im scared at least the door is open, run baby ?