Thank you, author. Now everyone can stfu about corsets. These people really acting like those things are comfortable lmaoo get over yourselves. Can’t even wear a bra in today’s time comfortably but yall are convinced that corsets (especially back then) were SoOoOoO comfortable..
Okay in the panel showing the woman in her under garments that was a stays not a corset, also depending on materials dresses could be incredibly cool. Abby cox on YouTube did a video comparing historical dress to modern dress and how it handled the heat of the Nevada desert.
Don’t know if it’s the writer or translator mistake but Marie Antoinette did not live in the Middle Ages. Well maybe Marie Antoinette in this manhwa did lol
Thank you, author. Now everyone can stfu about corsets. These people really acting like those things are comfortable lmaoo get over yourselves. Can’t even wear a bra in today’s time comfortably but yall are convinced that corsets (especially back then) were SoOoOoO comfortable..
Okay in the panel showing the woman in her under garments that was a stays not a corset, also depending on materials dresses could be incredibly cool. Abby cox on YouTube did a video comparing historical dress to modern dress and how it handled the heat of the Nevada desert.
Don’t know if it’s the writer or translator mistake but Marie Antoinette did not live in the Middle Ages. Well maybe Marie Antoinette in this manhwa did lol
Yesss, more cute models!
Please fix it some part got cut