Yea, the girl could have died. Nutmeg takes 1 to 3 teaspoons to be a toxic dose. It might also be the way they killed MC before as they would look for poisons and not a spice.
Bruh, if she carries vivi around in a compact, does that just mean she has Hey Google anywhere she goes? Has he become a cell phone?
I’m shocked no one else is using this technology, since they have the magical ability
Yea, the girl could have died. Nutmeg takes 1 to 3 teaspoons to be a toxic dose. It might also be the way they killed MC before as they would look for poisons and not a spice.
Sooo is the little girl ate it that would mean she could have died!?!?
nutmeg is realy dangerous (thanks to cubbyemu for tha info…)
I love that the mirror and her are in a nickname basis
vivia ann
Ahahhaha Sobored comment never fail me ??? Imagine if the queen wear a glass earing, that would be an airpod pro?
Bruh, if she carries vivi around in a compact, does that just mean she has Hey Google anywhere she goes? Has he become a cell phone?
I’m shocked no one else is using this technology, since they have the magical ability