I’m Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute! - Chapter 115
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Ugliest king dokja
I can bet the runaway fairy prince will somehow fall in love with bibi
I had a feeling blondie might be that way. She was just way too entranced by Bibi. This works.
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
@bunnimilk What does being white have to do with this? Lmao?
@k11182 Unnatural? you probably find it unnatural because you’re probably a white woman/man where you all bang each other as soon as you find someone attractive. This ain’t sims buddy and go touch some grass and actually see real adults. Some asian people are like that, it takes some time to trust and bang each other. You guys are just probably horny why do you want see her pregnant so bad?? bruh.
@k11182 wait how could Abigail be potentially pregnant? did they do it already?
They didnt, im just saying that its funny in those mangas that adult people behave like children if it comes to relationship. And most stupid is when they like each other but dont see it and are scared of talking about emotions
Funny seing adults being uncomfortable with being close to each other. But its kinda unnatural. Because at this point Abigail would propably be 1 month pragnet. Besides they are smart people, so if they biological gps says “go for it” its stupid to try to not doing it. Basic subprograms are always more efficient that those “logic” based ones
Spring and Summer
So cute
justice for Karin, I wanna see her find a loving wife 😩 (psssst Nadia. Karin is single, beautiful, talented, sweet and loyal. just sayin)