So the medicine was indeed given around the time she would have had eventually started having a period.. and since her father died at the time the medicine began and she seems to like her father enough to cry at his grave.. it seems clear that the mother acted alone in the abuse, tho why stunt the growth of a child to be married off to point of preventing menstruation.. it could be that the old man she was gonna be sold off to was a pedo but why still even have the medicine now after marriage.. I mean elaen could ve seeking it out herself due to the idea they help her but then wouldn’t she wind up figuring out they aren’t are helpful as she thought..? Hm..
#Oot.. Do they have an elevator or something like that.. The mansion looked tall~ atleast 9 floor..
Those “supplements” change color from black to greenish to blue. Was there any question that they’re bad? 😂
So the medicine was indeed given around the time she would have had eventually started having a period.. and since her father died at the time the medicine began and she seems to like her father enough to cry at his grave.. it seems clear that the mother acted alone in the abuse, tho why stunt the growth of a child to be married off to point of preventing menstruation.. it could be that the old man she was gonna be sold off to was a pedo but why still even have the medicine now after marriage.. I mean elaen could ve seeking it out herself due to the idea they help her but then wouldn’t she wind up figuring out they aren’t are helpful as she thought..? Hm..
Weird they want to bulky the beloved DIL of the most powerful wizard that could wipe them all out instantly
I think so too
I wouldn’t be surprised those supplements her wicked mother gave her are poisonous😡
Hmm I’m thinking her mother may not have been her mother?